Saturday, October 31, 2009

Well, After 30 years I did it. I got a job! I am working in the Attendance office at Lone Peak High School. (The same school Ethan goes to) It has been quite an adjustment fitting everything I do in a day, into a few hours in the evening. BUT the hours are good, I am close to Ethan, the commute can't be beat, and I get the same time off Ethan does! I will still get to spend time with family during the holidays and vacation time all summer. I like the ladies I work with and I am learning a lot. So now I have to be even more organized, and go to bed earlier. The Pay is OK but at least I have my foot in the door and hopefully I can get a full time job with benefits next year.

October has been a busy month for me. I was blessed to fly to CA to see some good longtime friends, relax, eat, scrapbook, eat, rest, see my new granddaughter, read, and eat some more!

First when I arrived at the Sacramento Airport I knew my friends were picking me up to wisk me away to a remote ranch built by our friends, the Athey's. What I didn't expect was to see my granddaughter just yet. To my surprise Kymbra brought Rylee to the airport to surprise me!! And what a surprise it was. Kymbra was there with Rylee and this cute sign to welcome me. She is the tiniest thing I have ever held. Born at 4#8oz. by the time I got there she was a whopping 5#8oz. She is so precious!! It was such a surprise I didn't even notice them there till I got to the bottom of the escalator. It brought tears to my eyes to see and hold such a precious spirit so new to this world. More about my visit with Rylee later.
My dear friends, Shelley, Jo, Adrea, and Pam picked me up at the airport, we got my luggage, and got in the car to drive to the ranch. We ate at a darling sandwich shop and drove to the store to pick up some last minute food for cooking. With this group there is never an end to FANTASTIC food. We ate like queens! I was so impressed with the ranch Kevin Athey built with his own two hands, it sets on a beautiful remote mountain, it rests on about 200,000 acres, and it is totally off grid. That is so cool. The propane hookup runs the fridge, and stove / oven and a few lights. Solar also runs a few lights. We heated the cabin with a wood burning stove. We ate, played games, ate, visited, went to point Reyes, ate, slept in, ate, laughed, watched the sunset, read, watched the sunrise, and ate some more. I know I didn't loose any weight this weekend!

We had such a great time together, laughing and enjoying the beautiful, peaceful mountain. It was a much needed time away for all of us.

When I got back to Civilization, (Sacramento) I enjoyed 4 1/2 glorious days with Rylee. (and Allen and Kymbra) We went to Appple Hill and met Anna there. We had to take a traditional picture with the pumpkin man! It was a cold day but the best weather for Apple Hill. We couldn't resist a caramel apple, looking at all the crafts, and taking a picture of Rylee in the apple bin. She is truly the apple of my eye!

The next day there was a huge rain storm so we stayed in the whole day and snuggled!! I couldn't get enough of holding this new precious baby! She is so beautiful and perfect in every way. I was blessed to see some more Sacramento friends when I went to play Pokeno with the girls one night. I miss our monthly night together! I made a chicken tortilla soup and fresh bread rolls the next day and snuggled, kissed and loved Rylee late into the night. I also enjoyed my visit with Allen and Kymbra but I have to say my highlight was Rylee! Sorry A&K. LaRon and Ethan drove to CA for a few days but I only spent a few hours with them. Ethan was anxious to get to his friends and LaRon had a ton of Tax work to finish before the deadline. The next day I was off to my Bodega Bay scrapbooking retreat!

I have been going to Bodega bay every fall for 18 years. I have only missed 2 years in all that time. There is a group of Creative Memories consultants that have become great friends and through the years we have shared too many memories, and twists and turns in life to mention. BUT one of my favorites has to be this tradition of scrapbooking in Bodega Bay. Barbara's mom owns a house there and we enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the ocean, scrapbooked and of course ate!! (Go figure.) We don't know how to pack lightly. (We wouldn't want to be with out something we need)

It is so fun to work into the wee hours of the night (Arlene), Share ideas (April), catch up on each others lives (Jennifer, and Shelly) and laugh (Barbara). The cricket was a HUGE HIT. Arlene and I were newbies but everyone else was so kind to educate us. I think we are both hooked. I can't wait for the recipe exchange to come via email! The weather was perfect... Cloudy and misty!! Together we got over over 683 pages done!! A successful weekend I would say!

Well after the weekend of scrapbooking, I had to return home to UT. I flew home the next day after one more night of treasuring every minute with Rylee. (I can't wait till Thanksgiving when they will come see me!) I am so THANKFUL I got to enjoy this little respite, I really needed to recharge my batteries!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

With the arrival of our 4th Grandchild (a girl, Rylee Elizabeth Rowbury. 4#8oz.) I decided to get brave and make a car seat carrier cover. At the mall they cost $49. With no pattern, much thought and a trip to the fabric store, I dove into my project. I had to get it done in a hurry... I was leaving in 2 days to go to CA to see her!!. I used measurements I acquired at the store by using my arm, finger, etc. ( the back end to where the straps go is from my elbow to finger tip!) Sewed the cover and then took it to a neighbors house to see if it would fit. I was so happy when it fit and actually looked good!

The right fabric - $20
Bows - $6
Velcro - $1
Knowing our new little one will be protected from all the germs floating around out there. . . . PRICELESS!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

WARNING to all who live in Cedar Hills..... There is a new teen driver on the roads! Yes, Ethan got his permit! Now he can't wait to go on errands with me. I use to have to bribe him with lunch for him to spend time with me! He is actually doing quite well. I guess it does get easier with each child.
So, once again, Summer has sped by too fast. For me, it was too short this year. Especially since the warm weather didn't even start till mid July. We enjoyed having the newlyweds, Nathan and Scarlett living in our basement till they left last week for Logan UT to attend college. It was hard to see Kevin and Jen move back to DC. But it was fun to have family and friends visit for the Wedding, EFY, the 4th of July, and while they dropped off students for college.
In August we enjoyed 2 family reunions. I am so blessed in the In-Law department! The Rowbury's are so accepting, loving, and FUN. Anna and Garrett and their new dog Tyberias were able to come with us to the reunion. Garrett went white water rafting for the first time. Too bad it was so cold! We are blessed that all 9 of LaRon's siblings are still living. (LaRon is the youngest of 10 and the order is Girl / Boy / Girl / Boy all the way through all 10 kids) We have been meeting for these reunions for over 30 years. Since we are spread all over the US it is so nice that everyone is so committed to getting together every other year. I love these guys and appreciate their wisdom, example and love.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Where in the world...

Many of you ask "Where are your kids and what are they up to" so I thought I would post an update.

Kevin and Jen and their 3 kids (L, M, O) are in the process of moving back to the East coast Columbia MD to be exact. He works for the Government.

Allen and Kymbra are in the middle of moving to Sacramento CA. They both work for Interstate Battery. A/K are expecting their first child... a GIRL in October!

Anna and Garrett live in So Lake Tahoe CA. G is managing a mortuary there and A is a CNA working with an in home care firm.

Nathan and Scarlett are going to go to Utah State University in Logan in August. N is studying to be a Pharmacist and S is studying to be a dietitian.

Ryan is enjoying living on his own and is a manager at the Walgreen's in Provo.

Last but not least...Ethan is enjoying his summer and will be entering the 10th grade this fall.

It is such a JOY to watch our kids venture out on their own, and WE cherish whatever time we get to spend together! I must say "Being a grandparent is the BEST!"

The Revolving Door

On May 28, 2009 our son Nathan married a wonderful girl, Scarlett in the Logan UT temple. It was a magnificent day! The weather was perfect, everything went smoothly, and OUR whole famdamily was together! What more could we ask for? WE have been so blessed in who our children have chosen to be their eternal mates. They will be living in our basement till they go to Utah State in August. Just as Kevin, Jen and their family prepare to move back to Washington DC area. WE have LOVED having them with us each weekend for the last 6 months. I still can't accept that the grandchildren will be so far away. I will miss Owen's kisses, Mason's hugs and Leah's notes. Along with holding their little hands on our walks to the mailbox, watching them play with friends in the court, snuggling on the couch, and enjoying the laughs as the Ethan wrestles with them. I pray for the day when they can return and live in UT permanently.